Today the Arizona Immigration law goes into effect and it will be interesting to see what happens. However, the judeg threw out the more controversial provisions so that it can then be challanged in the court system for them to wrangle it out. Do I agree with this law? Not necessarily. I just want to say that we definitely need immgration reform to happen sooner rather than later. Something really needs to be done about this issue. But there are a number of questions that I feel need to be answered, at least for myself.
1) Why doesn't Mexico allow the same provisions in its laaw to allow this to happen to them?
2) How does someone wanting to cross the border illegally get the $3,000-$5,000 to pay the coyote to get them across, and if they get caught by the Border Pattol, where do they get another $3,000-$5,000 to try to cross again? Did they get a refund from the original coyote when they didn't make it? And, where do they get this kind of money? From family in the US who are here illegally as well?
3) Why doesn't Mexico improve its economy to prevent the large amounts of people wanting to get into this country?
4) Waht is to stop them from doing other illegal things when they actually arrive? I've been to swap meets in largely Hispanic communities and you can get CDs and DVDs for a very good price but they are all pirated copies? Why don't the record companies and movie studios crack down on this illegeal activity rather than focusing so much attention on people who are downloading music?
5) When did it become so politically correct to coddle to the Spanish speaking communities in this country? I can't recall any other group of immigrants needing to have their language required for voting, etc. There are some parts of this country where Spanish is the official language and not English. I just don't understand this.
6) If you are going to protest against some law that you feel is discriminatory, don't go waving the flag of your "homeland". It just doesn't work for me to have sympathy for you in that case. You came to this country to supposedly seek a better life and if you believe in that, then become an American citizen and fully participate in this democracy. Don' tell me about how your homeland is so beautiful and you are more proud if it than being here. If you feel that way, go back!
7) Why do you have so many babies? Haven't you heard of population control? I realize that your homeland is a very strict Catholic place but can you really afford to keep having babies? I say that if you cross the border to have a baby or you are here illegally and have a baby, then that baby shouldn't automatically become a US citizen. Why are we the only country in the world that has such a policy? If you want to have your baby become a US citizen, then pony up the money to pay for that privilege.
8) On immigration reform, I agree with Chris Matthews of Hardball, create a national identity card with a legitimate Social Security number that then is registered with the federal government. When you get a job, then that SSN is cross referenced with the federal number to determine if it is real and legal. This cannot be a "voluntary" system. E-verify must be mandated to be in use for all businesses. Of course, the large corporations don;t want this to happen because then they don't get the cheap labor that they are after.
9) Whatever happen to homeowners doing their own landscaping? When I was growing up, it was part of the weekly chores to mow the lawn, do weeding in the garden and clip the shrubbery. This is another area where I suspect there are way too many illegal businesses. I think probably about 60% of the landscaping businesses are not registered as a business. You just buy a truck, a lawn mower, a leaf blower and then it all in the back of the truck and you got yourself a "landscaping" business. This also applies to mobile car washing and detailing businesses.
10) Why do you think you deserve free health care especially when you arrive at the public health clinic driving your $65,000 truck that is loaded down with another $5,000-$10,000 accessories?
11) Why do you allow 4th-5th generation Spanish entrepeneurs to screw you over? Because you are here illegally? That is what makes this country so good, the law is the law and you do earn the right to be treated fairly.
12) Why do you smirk at my attempts to learn your language? Do you know how denigrating that is to me and offensive enough that I give up my learning the language.
Anyway... I have mixed feelings about this whole issue. I understand the need and want to come into this country to have a better life. Who doesn't want that? But to tell me that I am being discriminatory when I say that we need to change the system is just bullshit. Or to tell me that you are all victims and blame the American people for that is just not true. You are victims of your own people as well as corporations and not the American people. It is said that you are a drain on the resources of this country. I don't necessarily believe that is true because for the most part you are paying taxes, etc. if you are working here. But to tell me that you are entitled to it just for being Hispanic, well I'm sorry I just don't buy into that.
So that is my entry for today adn I'll see you later.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
July 26
Sorry for the delay in getting a new post done. I went away for the weekend and didn't have internet access. That is one of the topics that I want to briefly discuss here today, the need to be in communication with the rest of the world 24/7, or the need to have the latest technological gadget in your possession. We don't need to be connected to the wired world 24/7. We actually need to get away from being so wired (in a literal sense as well as figuratively speaking). I know too many people who have to have the latest gizmo to come onto the market. The phone that has internet access, gps, text messaging, etc. has gotten too complicated for me. I use my cell phone to make telephone calls and that is it. Why do I need to be able to access the internet so often when I'm at the beach or taking a hike through the forest? This is bullshit as far as I'm concerned and maybe I'm someone who is technologically challenged but I think of myself as very computer literate and know many applications but I don't want to be tied down to my computer. Let it go for the weekend. I know at my last job whenever I went on vacation, it really wasn't a vacation since I was checking email on a daily basis and responding to those emails. In some respects, it didn't feel like I left the office. So I say, get outside and do physical things or just enjoy the sunshine.
The other topic I want to bring up because it s news all over California and probably the nation at this point is the situation in the city of Bell, California where the city administrator was receiving a little over $787,000 a year for doing his job adn then to tell the news media that this was a normal amount for this kind of position. I feel like a lot of people do that this is just wide spread corruption on a very large scale. But the real irony of this issue is that this man is now entitled to a pension of approximately $710,000 a year for the rest of his life. This is bullshit. This fits in with my opinion of what should have happened to Madoff and those others that were caught in Ponzi schemes over the past decade or so. Freeze the bank accounts (and I mean all of them) so that no money can be touched by anyone, and this money should be frozen until all legal issues are resolved with huge penalties imposed if found for any wrongdoing. But these Bell officials it seems made no bones about getting overpaid in a city that has a 60% poverty rate and laid off other city employees who had been told that there was no money to continue working there. I really think that the protestors need to keep after them until they return the money and that the state and/or federal authorities need to look into filing criminal charges against these people. Where is the morality? Where is the community well being that these elected officials were bound by?
What do you think about being wired to your gadgets so very much? And what do you think should happen to those scoundrels in the city of Bell? Let me know.
The other topic I want to bring up because it s news all over California and probably the nation at this point is the situation in the city of Bell, California where the city administrator was receiving a little over $787,000 a year for doing his job adn then to tell the news media that this was a normal amount for this kind of position. I feel like a lot of people do that this is just wide spread corruption on a very large scale. But the real irony of this issue is that this man is now entitled to a pension of approximately $710,000 a year for the rest of his life. This is bullshit. This fits in with my opinion of what should have happened to Madoff and those others that were caught in Ponzi schemes over the past decade or so. Freeze the bank accounts (and I mean all of them) so that no money can be touched by anyone, and this money should be frozen until all legal issues are resolved with huge penalties imposed if found for any wrongdoing. But these Bell officials it seems made no bones about getting overpaid in a city that has a 60% poverty rate and laid off other city employees who had been told that there was no money to continue working there. I really think that the protestors need to keep after them until they return the money and that the state and/or federal authorities need to look into filing criminal charges against these people. Where is the morality? Where is the community well being that these elected officials were bound by?
What do you think about being wired to your gadgets so very much? And what do you think should happen to those scoundrels in the city of Bell? Let me know.
Friday, July 23, 2010
July 23
Another weekend here and time to spend with friends who may have been busy all week long. So everyone enjoy the weekend, no matter where you are.
I've been reading Thoreau's Walden again. It has been a long time since last reading it (probably since college in the early 1980s) and I'm coming away from reading it quite impressed. I think his message of simplify, simplify, simplify certainly hits a nerve today. We have too much stuff in our lives that we feel we absolutely need. When I take the dogs for a walk around the neighbor I find myself amazed at how many of the neighbors use their garages for storage space and that space is filled. No wonder there are so many yard sales every weekend. Maybe we really do need to get rid of the stuff in order to simplify our lives. I know that every time I move from one apartment to another (I've moved around 5 times in the last 6 years) you start asking yourself, do I really need to keep dragging this thing around with me any longer? What, and why, am I holding onto it and does it serve a purpose? Let me tell you, I've gotten rid of a lot of stuff in this manner. Of course, there are things that I have a hard time letting go of, like for example my music. I've got LPs, cassettes, and CDs and I just can't let go of this stuff. Maybe it is time to take another inventory of my life in order to determine what "stuff" I can let go of.
The other thing about Walden that I am finding fascinating is the connection to the earth and the world around us rather than cluttering the world with senseless noise. It is like talking for the sake of talking and really not saying a damn word. But Walden is not only about getting rid of the noise in our lives but reconnecting ourselves to the world around us by listening to the birds, hearing the breeze blowing, studying the landscape and just appreciating the world for what it is and not what we can do with it. That's one of the reasons I enjoy getting up early in the day, so that I can enjoy the quietness that is around me as well as listening to the world wake up.
Maybe as you read this it will awaken within you a desire to let go of the "stuff" in your life and this doesn't necessarily just mean material things. It could be some other "stuff" like baggage we all carry around with us and determines how we respond to life. Anyway... hope you all have a good weekend.
I've been reading Thoreau's Walden again. It has been a long time since last reading it (probably since college in the early 1980s) and I'm coming away from reading it quite impressed. I think his message of simplify, simplify, simplify certainly hits a nerve today. We have too much stuff in our lives that we feel we absolutely need. When I take the dogs for a walk around the neighbor I find myself amazed at how many of the neighbors use their garages for storage space and that space is filled. No wonder there are so many yard sales every weekend. Maybe we really do need to get rid of the stuff in order to simplify our lives. I know that every time I move from one apartment to another (I've moved around 5 times in the last 6 years) you start asking yourself, do I really need to keep dragging this thing around with me any longer? What, and why, am I holding onto it and does it serve a purpose? Let me tell you, I've gotten rid of a lot of stuff in this manner. Of course, there are things that I have a hard time letting go of, like for example my music. I've got LPs, cassettes, and CDs and I just can't let go of this stuff. Maybe it is time to take another inventory of my life in order to determine what "stuff" I can let go of.
The other thing about Walden that I am finding fascinating is the connection to the earth and the world around us rather than cluttering the world with senseless noise. It is like talking for the sake of talking and really not saying a damn word. But Walden is not only about getting rid of the noise in our lives but reconnecting ourselves to the world around us by listening to the birds, hearing the breeze blowing, studying the landscape and just appreciating the world for what it is and not what we can do with it. That's one of the reasons I enjoy getting up early in the day, so that I can enjoy the quietness that is around me as well as listening to the world wake up.
Maybe as you read this it will awaken within you a desire to let go of the "stuff" in your life and this doesn't necessarily just mean material things. It could be some other "stuff" like baggage we all carry around with us and determines how we respond to life. Anyway... hope you all have a good weekend.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
July 22
Wow! I'm finally getting around to posting a new entry here. I've been just too lazy, waiting for Congress to finally pass extended unemployment benefits because I've been out of work for over a year now and it sucks. I wonder sometimes if my age (53) has anything to do with not getting hired for position that I've sent my resume in for but haven't gotten an interview. Or, it is because I'm just too overqualified for the positions that I've been applying for? Or it is because the area of my expertise is in administrative work and that industry is full of women who tend to hire other women although women keep telling us that they are a different breed when it comes to managing. Some thoughts.
What gets me about Congress delaying the passage of the bill to extend unemployment benefits is that the Republicans kept saying that they didn't want to add to the Federal deficit although they had no problem doing so under Bush when passing the largest tax cuts to the wealthiest people in this country. Or saying that the unemployed people are lazy hobos who are being spoiled by this entitlement program and that they unemployed should be given drug tests in order to be eligible for continued payments. I've been looking for work for way too long and yes at times it becomes frustrating and depressing to be searching for a job only to be constantly turned down. Is it my fault that businesses that are hiring are looking at their bottom line and seeing my application and my age just gives them pause to hire because their worker compensation rate will be higher as well as their cost for health coverage. Is this discriminatory? Probably, but you can't actually prove it.
However, what got me more angry then anything is this. While listening to a radio program the other day where extending benefits to the unemployed was being debated, some gentleman from the Cato Institute was saying that maybe the unemployed should lower their expectations about regaining employment at the same rate of pay as they were receiving. He was saying that maybe if an employee went back to their old employer anad asked for the job back but at 50% of the salary their were receiving or getting a job at McDonald's for the minimum wage. You know what I say to this guy: Why don't you take a 50% pay cut so that the Cato Institute can hire another person to "think" about these issues in order to come up with the same stupid concepts.
There are so many directions I can take this conversation. Families that mortgage payments making minimum wage would devastate them; the morality of corporations and what has happened to this realm of responsibility of business; why is the middle class being wiped out in this country; illegal immigrants taking jobs away from legit Americans; the trickle down economic policy and why it really doesn't work.
But getting back to the issue of illegal immigrants taking jobs away. Again I was listening to the radio and again some right wing idiot was saying that those out of work were not accepting work that was legitimate like cleaning bathrooms, working on farms, etc. Well, I have no problem doing these jobs but I want fair pay for doing them. My thought on this issue is that we will never get a good immigration reform bill passed in this country because too many businesses depend upon hiring illegals in order to exploit them. Look at the meatpacking industry in this country. Do you really think that they want to hire Americans who then would demand that working conditions improve, have the right to organize an union, and follow OSHA regulations for worker safety? I doubt it. These companies make too much money by sidestepping regulations for worker safety as well as consumer safety. If an illegal demanded better wages or complained about plant safety, they are then threatened with deportation or just fired for some petty reason. Do you realize also how much some things would increase in price by hiring Americans? I am specifically thinking about food in this country. If we didn't have the illegals planting and harvesting the food grown here the cost of something as simple as iceberg lettuce would triple and people in this country would just not tolerate price increases such as that.
Anyway.... Some of my rantings for the day. I will continue to post everyday because I just have too much to say and this is a good way for me to get it off my chest as well as put it out there for others to consider and hopefully respond with their thoughts. I like being challenged on my ideas so that I can hear other options that I haven't thought about in addition to ironing out the wrinkles in my arguments. In the meantime, everyone have a good day and I'll be here tomorrow.
What gets me about Congress delaying the passage of the bill to extend unemployment benefits is that the Republicans kept saying that they didn't want to add to the Federal deficit although they had no problem doing so under Bush when passing the largest tax cuts to the wealthiest people in this country. Or saying that the unemployed people are lazy hobos who are being spoiled by this entitlement program and that they unemployed should be given drug tests in order to be eligible for continued payments. I've been looking for work for way too long and yes at times it becomes frustrating and depressing to be searching for a job only to be constantly turned down. Is it my fault that businesses that are hiring are looking at their bottom line and seeing my application and my age just gives them pause to hire because their worker compensation rate will be higher as well as their cost for health coverage. Is this discriminatory? Probably, but you can't actually prove it.
However, what got me more angry then anything is this. While listening to a radio program the other day where extending benefits to the unemployed was being debated, some gentleman from the Cato Institute was saying that maybe the unemployed should lower their expectations about regaining employment at the same rate of pay as they were receiving. He was saying that maybe if an employee went back to their old employer anad asked for the job back but at 50% of the salary their were receiving or getting a job at McDonald's for the minimum wage. You know what I say to this guy: Why don't you take a 50% pay cut so that the Cato Institute can hire another person to "think" about these issues in order to come up with the same stupid concepts.
There are so many directions I can take this conversation. Families that mortgage payments making minimum wage would devastate them; the morality of corporations and what has happened to this realm of responsibility of business; why is the middle class being wiped out in this country; illegal immigrants taking jobs away from legit Americans; the trickle down economic policy and why it really doesn't work.
But getting back to the issue of illegal immigrants taking jobs away. Again I was listening to the radio and again some right wing idiot was saying that those out of work were not accepting work that was legitimate like cleaning bathrooms, working on farms, etc. Well, I have no problem doing these jobs but I want fair pay for doing them. My thought on this issue is that we will never get a good immigration reform bill passed in this country because too many businesses depend upon hiring illegals in order to exploit them. Look at the meatpacking industry in this country. Do you really think that they want to hire Americans who then would demand that working conditions improve, have the right to organize an union, and follow OSHA regulations for worker safety? I doubt it. These companies make too much money by sidestepping regulations for worker safety as well as consumer safety. If an illegal demanded better wages or complained about plant safety, they are then threatened with deportation or just fired for some petty reason. Do you realize also how much some things would increase in price by hiring Americans? I am specifically thinking about food in this country. If we didn't have the illegals planting and harvesting the food grown here the cost of something as simple as iceberg lettuce would triple and people in this country would just not tolerate price increases such as that.
Anyway.... Some of my rantings for the day. I will continue to post everyday because I just have too much to say and this is a good way for me to get it off my chest as well as put it out there for others to consider and hopefully respond with their thoughts. I like being challenged on my ideas so that I can hear other options that I haven't thought about in addition to ironing out the wrinkles in my arguments. In the meantime, everyone have a good day and I'll be here tomorrow.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Thursday, July 8
I didn't have much to say yesterday plus I can get a bit lazy about posting. I mean sometimes it takes me a day or so to get back to people even answering their emails. But that is something that I want to work on in the next couple of months. Anyway...
Not much to say today about any political theater. Perhaps it is best just to leave it alone but I know that I have been sending in the postage paid reply envelopes for the past week or so. I figure why not. If they have the money to send me an offer (that I can't refuse, of course), then they can certainly pay for the measly postage that they get for bulk mail return rates. I can't believe the Post Office is going to raise the postage stamp rate again. If they did they job better rather than having nasty people working for them, then they might have a chance of breaking even. But perhaps the case is really that they offered great pension plans and like the government, are just being piled under with greater and greater amounts of money to be paid out to the retired. Maybe I've got my facts wrong about this matter. Maybe they just had to pay out so much money for all the crazies who ended working there and shooting people because they couldn't take the sorter machines any longer.
Be that as it may. The Post Office is slowly sinking. Anyway...
Have a good day and I'll be back tomorrow with more on my mind.
Not much to say today about any political theater. Perhaps it is best just to leave it alone but I know that I have been sending in the postage paid reply envelopes for the past week or so. I figure why not. If they have the money to send me an offer (that I can't refuse, of course), then they can certainly pay for the measly postage that they get for bulk mail return rates. I can't believe the Post Office is going to raise the postage stamp rate again. If they did they job better rather than having nasty people working for them, then they might have a chance of breaking even. But perhaps the case is really that they offered great pension plans and like the government, are just being piled under with greater and greater amounts of money to be paid out to the retired. Maybe I've got my facts wrong about this matter. Maybe they just had to pay out so much money for all the crazies who ended working there and shooting people because they couldn't take the sorter machines any longer.
Be that as it may. The Post Office is slowly sinking. Anyway...
Have a good day and I'll be back tomorrow with more on my mind.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Start of this blog
Hello out there! I finally got around to setting up this blog site and I am tremendously happy about it. I just want to throw ideas out there to get some responese that might touch ther people as well as get them involved in the world rather than letting the powers that be continually tell them there is no way out. There is always an exit, at least that's what I've been told too many times in my life. Maybe a little bit about you so you know where I'm coming from.
My name is Matthew Logan. I live in Santa Barbara, California and have been living here for the past 11 years. I'm originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania but made California my home in 1985. I'm 53 years old, single (being gay sometimes does that to you) and have a very wide range of interests. If you present me with a good conversation about most topics, I'll hold up my end of it.
I've worked in a couple of different industries. Over the past years, I havae worked in the pre-print business doing typesetting and proofreading as well as some graphic design and for the last 11 years, as a administrative director for a non-profit organization that educates the community about sustainable farming practices, environmental issues related to agriculture, and teaching children/teenagers/families about where their food comes from. The organization was also involved with helping to preserve farmland, which is rapidly disappearing. This is an issue I'll talk about later in more detail here. I was laid off from this organization because of the economic downturn and the lack of donations flowing into the bank account. We needed to save money and we tried many different avenues before actually letting people go. I've been out of work now for over a year and have found it extremely stressful in attempting to find work. Plus, as my friends keep telling me, this is an employer's market for hiring yet does that mean civility has gone out the door in these times? A simple acknowledgement stating that you've receive a resume and that someone will be in touch regarding the position would be nice. Not knowing anything at all is more a pain in the butt than you would realize. (Employers: hear me well. I am not the only one bothered by your lack of civility in these times.)
I'm also one who reads an awful lot and keeps on top of the issues happening in the world around us. One of the ideas I had about this blog was to throw out ideas on doing political theater in a absurb way but one that would get the so-called politicians attention about the "real" issues that I feel are important and not the ones we are being fed by those in Washington, DC. I don't mean copying the so-called "tea party" movement. They are so full of shit and seem to have very conflicting ideas about what needs to change in America. Obamacare is "socialism" is a bit crass if you ask me. If you don't want social programs, then I would you prefer you to sign up to take your name off the Social Security rolls when you retire, or don't take the home mortgage deduction that you claim on your taxes. I want intelligent conversation about these issues and I don want to get a a better feel for the mood of this country at this present time. We are definitely in a changing world that sometimes just seems like it is getting crazier and crazier with a lot of wackos out there telling me how to live my life (or for that matter, that my unemployment situation is due to my lack of wanting to be a productive of society. More on this at a later date.)
A few of the ideas that I want to throw out at this time are the following for the kind of political theater that I want to engage in are the following:
1) Whenever you get a credit card "invitation" (or any kind of offer inviting you to subscribe, donate, sign a petition, etc.) and they have included a postage paid envelope, fold a single sheet of paper and stuff into the envelope and mail it back.
2) If the business of America is business, then the government needs to be doing the same as every corporation has done: cut the costs. Vote "none of the above" on your next ballot (if you can do so; otherwise do a write-in candidate as none of the above. I'm tired of lifetime politicians getting termed out in one branch of government only to have them run for some other office. If they have put us in this position of needing to raise taxes, fees, surcharges, or whatever term they use in order to raise more revenue, then they shouldn't running for office again.) And vote no on every bond issue that appears on the ballot. California doesn't need more debt and thereby a need to raise taxes to pay for these bond issues.
3) Use emails to flood a politician's inbox with questions about the positions they take. Ask why and how they plan on accomplishing these goals. And then forward the responses back to them when they don't tell you the answer but only offer you how good they have been in office responding to the needs of their constituents.
That's it for right now. I'll post some new thoughts on a daily basis. I would really enjoy hearing some feedback about this blog (whether good or bad, or even suggestions on how to make it better).
See you later.
My name is Matthew Logan. I live in Santa Barbara, California and have been living here for the past 11 years. I'm originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania but made California my home in 1985. I'm 53 years old, single (being gay sometimes does that to you) and have a very wide range of interests. If you present me with a good conversation about most topics, I'll hold up my end of it.
I've worked in a couple of different industries. Over the past years, I havae worked in the pre-print business doing typesetting and proofreading as well as some graphic design and for the last 11 years, as a administrative director for a non-profit organization that educates the community about sustainable farming practices, environmental issues related to agriculture, and teaching children/teenagers/families about where their food comes from. The organization was also involved with helping to preserve farmland, which is rapidly disappearing. This is an issue I'll talk about later in more detail here. I was laid off from this organization because of the economic downturn and the lack of donations flowing into the bank account. We needed to save money and we tried many different avenues before actually letting people go. I've been out of work now for over a year and have found it extremely stressful in attempting to find work. Plus, as my friends keep telling me, this is an employer's market for hiring yet does that mean civility has gone out the door in these times? A simple acknowledgement stating that you've receive a resume and that someone will be in touch regarding the position would be nice. Not knowing anything at all is more a pain in the butt than you would realize. (Employers: hear me well. I am not the only one bothered by your lack of civility in these times.)
I'm also one who reads an awful lot and keeps on top of the issues happening in the world around us. One of the ideas I had about this blog was to throw out ideas on doing political theater in a absurb way but one that would get the so-called politicians attention about the "real" issues that I feel are important and not the ones we are being fed by those in Washington, DC. I don't mean copying the so-called "tea party" movement. They are so full of shit and seem to have very conflicting ideas about what needs to change in America. Obamacare is "socialism" is a bit crass if you ask me. If you don't want social programs, then I would you prefer you to sign up to take your name off the Social Security rolls when you retire, or don't take the home mortgage deduction that you claim on your taxes. I want intelligent conversation about these issues and I don want to get a a better feel for the mood of this country at this present time. We are definitely in a changing world that sometimes just seems like it is getting crazier and crazier with a lot of wackos out there telling me how to live my life (or for that matter, that my unemployment situation is due to my lack of wanting to be a productive of society. More on this at a later date.)
A few of the ideas that I want to throw out at this time are the following for the kind of political theater that I want to engage in are the following:
1) Whenever you get a credit card "invitation" (or any kind of offer inviting you to subscribe, donate, sign a petition, etc.) and they have included a postage paid envelope, fold a single sheet of paper and stuff into the envelope and mail it back.
2) If the business of America is business, then the government needs to be doing the same as every corporation has done: cut the costs. Vote "none of the above" on your next ballot (if you can do so; otherwise do a write-in candidate as none of the above. I'm tired of lifetime politicians getting termed out in one branch of government only to have them run for some other office. If they have put us in this position of needing to raise taxes, fees, surcharges, or whatever term they use in order to raise more revenue, then they shouldn't running for office again.) And vote no on every bond issue that appears on the ballot. California doesn't need more debt and thereby a need to raise taxes to pay for these bond issues.
3) Use emails to flood a politician's inbox with questions about the positions they take. Ask why and how they plan on accomplishing these goals. And then forward the responses back to them when they don't tell you the answer but only offer you how good they have been in office responding to the needs of their constituents.
That's it for right now. I'll post some new thoughts on a daily basis. I would really enjoy hearing some feedback about this blog (whether good or bad, or even suggestions on how to make it better).
See you later.
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