Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Start of this blog

Hello out there! I finally got around to setting up this blog site and I am tremendously happy about it. I just want to throw ideas out there to get some responese that might touch ther people as well as get them involved in the world rather than letting the powers that be continually tell them there is no way out. There is always an exit, at least that's what I've been told too many times in my life. Maybe a little bit about you so you know where I'm coming from.

My name is Matthew Logan. I live in Santa Barbara, California and have been living here for the past 11 years. I'm originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania but made California my home in 1985. I'm 53 years old, single (being gay sometimes does that to you) and have a very wide range of interests. If you present me with a good conversation about most topics, I'll hold up my end of it.

I've worked in a couple of different industries. Over the past years, I havae worked in the pre-print business doing typesetting and proofreading as well as some graphic design and for the last 11 years, as a administrative director for a non-profit organization that educates the community about sustainable farming practices, environmental issues related to agriculture, and teaching children/teenagers/families about where their food comes from. The organization was also involved with helping to preserve farmland, which is rapidly disappearing. This is an issue I'll talk about later in more detail here. I was laid off from this organization because of the economic downturn and the lack of donations flowing into the bank account. We needed to save money and we tried many different avenues before actually letting people go. I've been out of work now for over a year and have found it extremely stressful in attempting to find work. Plus, as my friends keep telling me, this is an employer's market for hiring yet does that mean civility has gone out the door in these times? A simple acknowledgement stating that you've receive a resume and that someone will be in touch regarding the position would be nice. Not knowing anything at all is more a pain in the butt than you would realize. (Employers: hear me well. I am not the only one bothered by your lack of civility in these times.)

I'm also one who reads an awful lot and keeps on top of the issues happening in the world around us. One of the ideas I had about this blog was to throw out ideas on doing political theater in a absurb way but one that would get the so-called politicians attention about the "real" issues that I feel are important and not the ones we are being fed by those in Washington, DC. I don't mean copying the so-called "tea party" movement. They are so full of shit and seem to have very conflicting ideas about what needs to change in America. Obamacare is "socialism" is a bit crass if you ask me. If you don't want social programs, then I would you prefer you to sign up to take your name off the Social Security rolls when you retire, or don't take the home mortgage deduction that you claim on your taxes. I want intelligent conversation about these issues and I don want to get a a better feel for the mood of this country at this present time. We are definitely in a changing world that sometimes just seems like it is getting crazier and crazier with a lot of wackos out there telling me how to live my life (or for that matter, that my unemployment situation is due to my lack of wanting to be a productive of society. More on this at a later date.)

A few of the ideas that I want to throw out at this time are the following for the kind of political theater that I want to engage in are the following:

1) Whenever you get a credit card "invitation" (or any kind of offer inviting you to subscribe, donate, sign a petition, etc.) and they have included a postage paid envelope, fold a single sheet of paper and stuff into the envelope and mail it back.

2) If the business of America is business, then the government needs to be doing the same as every corporation has done: cut the costs. Vote "none of the above" on your next ballot (if you can do so; otherwise do a write-in candidate as none of the above. I'm tired of lifetime politicians getting termed out in one branch of government only to have them run for some other office. If they have put us in this position of needing to raise taxes, fees, surcharges, or whatever term they use in order to raise more revenue, then they shouldn't running for office again.) And vote no on every bond issue that appears on the ballot. California doesn't need more debt and thereby a need to raise taxes to pay for these bond issues.

3) Use emails to flood a politician's inbox with questions about the positions they take. Ask why and how they plan on accomplishing these goals. And then forward the responses back to them when they don't tell you the answer but only offer you how good they have been in office responding to the needs of their constituents.

That's it for right now. I'll post some new thoughts on a daily basis. I would really enjoy hearing some feedback about this blog (whether good or bad, or even suggestions on how to make it better).

See you later.

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